Deliver Us!

Experience one of Ballet Magnificat!’s most popular and longest touring ballets, DeliverUs! Set to the music of Dreamworks’ The Prince of Egypt, this riveting story will jump off the stage and into your life! Under the blazing Egyptian sun within the shadow of the pyramids, the enslaved Jewish people cry out for a deliverer. One man, Moses, challenges Pharaoh and leads the people to freedom a vivid prophetic picture pointing to the Easter story of what Jesus Christ did on Calvary.  “Why tell fairytales when you can bring to the stage such an alluring story of courage and faith that will challenge us to the core?”said Jiri Voborsky, Choreographer of DeliverUs! DeliverUs! was first performed in 2001, and has since been performed in Asia, Europe, North and South America, and the MiddleEast, for countless audience members.


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